The nature of Turkmenistan

The museum exposition «The nature of Turkmenistan» settles down on the ground floor of a museum and occupies the space 297,97м ². In an exposition stuffed animals of birds, animal, reptiles, insects and a herbarium of plants are located. The scientific information, Turkmen proverbs, national fairy tales, pictures and legends widely open surprising and unique beauty of the Turkmen earth. Preservation of natural features of edge, scientific studying of animals and plants, their protection and quantity increase are an overall objective of creation of natural reserves. In the extreme south of Turkmenistan in place between theTedzhen and Murghab rivers, in foothills of a ridge Paropamis, one of northern spurs of Gindikush, is one of the most beautiful places the Badhyz height. The Badhyz national park has been created on December, 3rd, 1941 for the purpose of protection and biology studying of wild donkey – kulan and preservations of the largest in the country of a pistachio grove. A reserve total area 87680 hectares, including 13000 hectares of pistachio grove. Badhyz - the unique place of distribution kulans. During ancient times kulans lived in mountain areas of Central Asia. The flora and wonderful country fauna is rich endemics. Now 400 jeyrans, 1000 mountain rams, 257 kinds of birds about 700 kulans live in reserve. From them 12 birds and 53 kinds of wild animals are written down in the Red book of Turkmenistan. Yeroylanduz - such name is carried internal-drainage hollow located in territory of reserve. The hollow has depth of 500 meters and the area about 300 sq.m. One of the big dioramas in an exposition is devoted bottom-landthe of Murghab rivers . Murghab - the second for volume of water the river of Turkmenistan. Within the country is its average and bottom currents. As a spillway of Murghab the mountain part of pool, a component of 46900 from which 38600 are in mountains of Paropamisus in Afghanistan serves. The length of Murghab to conditionally accepted mouth is equal 978 km., the source is located in Paropamisus at height 3500м. The average height of a reservoir of Murghab makes 1380 meters, and the maximum 3800 meters. Within Turkmenistan Murghab accepts two inflows Kashan and Kushka, their length is accordingly equal 252 and 277 km at the area of pool of 7000 and 10700 Exposition exhibits «The nature of Turkmenistan» allow to inform to visitors the importance of everyone animal, meeting and taking a certain place in edge environment. They provide guidance on animals, plants and insects to younger generation and cause in them feeling of solicitous attitude to the edge nature. The love to the nature forms love for the country. The beauty, cleanliness, well-being of our general house under the name "nature" depends on correct education of young generation.


The nature of Turkmenistan


The nature of Turkmenistan


The nature of Turkmenistan


The nature of Turkmenistan


The nature of Turkmenistan


The nature of Turkmenistan