In Turkmenistan began kind tradition to give names to
each year, proclaiming in its slogan key reference points of national development at the new stage. It
promotes increase of patriotic spirit and aspiration of each person to be involved and to bring the personal
contribution to the enormous work spent in the country under the direction of President Gurbanguly
Berdymuhamedov. The main characteristic feature of the modern Turkmen society - its indestructible unity,
consolidation of the people round the national leader which is based on the realized understanding of values
of independence and the neutrality, spiritual traditions, the cultural heritage. Combination of historical
property of the people, its mentality, fundamental moral categories with modern achievements and the advanced
processes is a key to success and prosperity of the Turkmen state.In the beginning of year signal to start has
been given to the actions devoted to the slogan of 2019 «Turkmenistan - the prosperity Native land». Under
such name the exhibition and in the Local history museum of Mary province has been opened. The exhibition
“Turkmenistan - the prosperity Native land” has caused the great interest of spectators, especially youth. The
theme is interesting and selection of exhibited works is interesting.
The exposed exhibits, ceramic ware, carpet, silk products, the unique national ornaments, new archeological
finds and other values open the nice historical way of our native land.
At an exhibition various works of painting art, ceramics and the sculptures reflecting the cultural heritage
of the people, it’s today are widely presented