Ethnographic exposition

In an ethnographic exposition the exhibits telling about rich material and spiritual culture of the Turkmen people are placed. Visitors can familiarize with arts and crafts of Turkmen women - an embroidery, carpet and silk weaving, ancient crafts of woodcarvers, the jewelers, a rich collection of Turkmen silver jewelries, the remarkable traditions the Turkmen connected with by the well-known ahalteke horses, the birth of the child, wedding ceremonies. The special place in an exposition is occupied with jewelry from silver with gilding. Ancient magic representations have been connected with silver at the Turkmen. They believed that it keeps cleanliness, deprives poisons of malicious force that the silver ring drives away evil ghosts. The semiprecious stone a cornelian, was considered by Turkmens, brings happiness and health, protects from danger. Probably, therefore silver and a cornelian – the most favorite materials for production of Turkmen ornaments. The presented ornaments are varied in form also to style of production. Forms of Turkmen ornaments are taken from the life, the world surrounding us. One of them other turtles, birds, bugs-scarabs represent the stylized image of the person. Turkmen female ornaments remind fighting armour of the legendary amazons living, according to messages of antique authors, in areas of moving modern the Turkmen. Ornaments of a Turkmen female headdress - «gupba» the helmet, a breast round medallion "gulyaka" - a board, reminds silver plaques «apbasy» - chain armour elements. Jewels have not simply satisfied the aesthetic senses much of them represented any sacred amulets and обереги - dagdan, tumar, heykel. For and the material of jewels - silver, gold - was allocated with Turkmens magic properties. Silver and gold promoted neutralization of poisons of snakes and scorpions, preserve against evil ghosts, an evil eye, harmful magic etc. Carpet for the Turkmen – a criterion of beauty, good and happiness, in it people history, its communication with ancestors. The collection of carpets and the carpet products presented to expositions, is rather various. The basic ornament of Turkmen carpets – abstract, geometrical with stylized images of plants, animals and people. Carpets had multipurpose and huge aesthetic value in life the Turkmen. Conditions of semi nomadic life of cattlemen dictated the maximum simplification of their subject world, therefore carpets and carpet products replaced with themselves floors (plaited white bread), walls (umurduman, oy-yupi) and doors (ensi) in yurts, the frames which were making out an input in dwelling (gapylyk, germech), furniture (wall carpet bags for utensils and clothes storage: a feed bag, chuval, uk-ujy, ikselik) and a road bag (horjun). They served and ornaments for horses (at haly, eyerlik, ichirgi) and the camels who have been dressed up for wedding processions (asmalyk), etc. Prevailing color in Turkmen carpets — red (from light red tones to is dark-cherry. Red color occupies usually 70-75 % of all their area. The basic element of a composition of a carpet pattern is a gel which is subdivided into some kinds depending on a tribe and a development place. The national Turkmen suit is ornate by an embroidery. Originally the embroidery mattered amulet. In this connection the arrangement of embroideries on edge of items is not casual. Was considered that an evil ghost, having faced symbols amulet, could not get inside. An exposition ornament is the collection female dressing for heads gowns «chyrpy» and «curte», decorated with the stylized vegetative ornament.


Ethnographic exposition


Ethnographic exposition


Ethnographic exposition