The archaeological exposition opens the history of the
Turkmen land from Mesolithic epoch (IX-VII thousands BC) to the XVIII century AD Here are presented exhibits
on stories of Ancient Margiana, antique and medieval Merv.
The territory of Turkmenistan, where the most ancient civilizations prospered in the remote past, is rich in
monuments of various periods. So, the complexes of archaeological parks such as Ancient Merv, Nisa,
Koneurgench, enriched a treasury of universal culture, are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Therefore it is quite explainable, why the archaeological expeditions from different corners of planet come to
our country every year.
Starting from the third millennium B.C. the ancient Turkmen state formations, such as Margush, Altyn-depe,
Parthia, Koneurgench and others, owing to the power and cultural blossom m, determined in a large degree the
character of political, economic and cultural life in the whole region, being a link between the West and the
The most impressing, certainly, researches of a monument of an epoch of bronze of Gonurdepe in Margiana who
are successfully spent throughout many years by Russian-Turkmen archaeological expedition under the direction
of the doctor of historical sciences V.I.Sarianidi are. Forces of this expedition collect and systematize the
huge actual material on old agriculture culture prospering in old delta of the Murghab river in III-II
millennia BC.
All it has allowed V.I.Sarianidi to put forward and is given reason to defend the theory that the
Baktriya-Margiana archaeological complex (БМАК) is the fifth centre old East civilizations along with Egypt,
Mesopotamia, India and China.
The important place in an archaeological exposition is occupied with the exhibits telling about a unique
civilization of a bronze age – Margiana (country Margush). It is the big collection of the stone and bronze
seals-amulets decorated with a various ornament, a magnificent mosaic, cult subjects and graceful thin-walled
ceramic ware of every possible form.
The collection of terracotta figurines the goddesses known as Anahita – the goddess of fertility or the Great
Margiana goddess is interesting.
The most part of an archaeological exposition is occupied with a collection of the subjects concerning to
stories by Great Seldzhuk of Merv . It and magnificent samples stamped and glaze ceramics, chess from an
ivory, and also bronze fixtures of Х-ХI centuries.